Sunday, May 18, 2014

2nd Comp!

Thanks to @Isa/irixan02 for helping me get this idea!

For this competition, you have to do a makeup look that looks like Katy Perry!
Here's the pic to look like:

I'm not gonna be judging this look based on skin tone, eye color, and facial features, but there are some rules and requirements!


~Make the look using any makeup from the starplaza (meaning, you don't have to own it, just make it from the plaza room :D )

~You MUST use the Tress Up hair "Katy Hair" and dye it "Riri Red" from Doree
(this color and this hair)

~No face masks or jewelry allowed

~Only one entry per person

~Post picture in comments below, and make sure you put your user name!!!

Please follow all the rules and requirements, or I'll have to disqualify you Dx

The winner will receive 10sd from their wishlist!

Good Luck to you all, and have fun!!!!

competition ends May 18, 3 pm (Eastern Time)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

First Contest!!!

I don't know if you have been reading USD, but I've been saying a lot about making this blog and when there are going to be competitions...Maybe I've talked about it too much...sorry about that! I'm just really excited to do this!

Anyway, here's the first competition:

Using ONLY Original Future items, create the best outfit you possibly can!

The winner will receive 10sd from their wishlist (sorry, ik that's not a lot, but the prizes will get better over time c: )!

~You can't use any of the Hotbuys in Original Future
~Make sure you leave the picture, along with your Stardoll name in the comments!

Please follow these rules, or else I will have to disqualify you! D'x

Good Luck to you all!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

First Post c:

Okay, hello Stardoll players! I'm obviously Sarah, and I created this blog to just make competitions! I just made this blog, so it doesn't look amazing, but I'll work on it over time! I already have a few ideas on prizes, but the competitions aren't going to be an everything day thing! I'm not exactly rich, but I try to earn stardollars as much as I can! I hope you enjoy this blog! :D

I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me things to fix in the comments below :)

Like, if the background looks really bad or if I need pictures or something. Please give me all advice!!! Thank you!